
A Collaborative Project with Stephanie Vazquez A.K.A. 'Sunny' 

Youthful rebellion is not dead! In the New York City underbelly there is a deep passion to create a beautiful world of love a feverish joy.  Underneath the  layers of sass and spirited personalities, there is vulnerability within these tender spirits, proving continual nourishment of friendship, love and inner silence can create a peace within the hectic city. Artist, Sunny ( has successfully balanced glassy-eyed haze, intimacy and a freshness of life.

Sunny has said that Pink Floyd's, 'Dark Side of the Moon' is a huge inspiration for her and this is clear in her work. The transformation from crisp, black and white imagery into flashes of an absolute boldness, color and pattern. Through the prism of creative living, the images move from solitude silence to grinds, lighting and graffiti.  The chaos of the city is a clear influences behind her work, however, beyond the saturated aesthetics of some of these art pieces there is a an honestly of heart. The photographs are like visual guides of how to live in the moment of experience. There is an immediate lightness in every image that can only be capture in moments of true happiness! 

To see more of Sunny's work visit her tumblr page, prepare to be inspired!

These are images from a shoot I did with two of my friends, shot by Sunny, , modelled by the beautiful Meg Huffman and styled by myself. Loving the Blue hue from the bath tub! 

                                                                  Summer Trends

To see more images from this shoot, visit!

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