2 Piece Collection - Vanitas


Collection Project began before christmas...I am basing mine in the saturated and grotesque beauty of Fernando Vicentes Illustrations, 'Vanitas'- 950's Vogue Covers was the inspiration behind this colection. The powdered colour palette and highly vivid and details illustration caught my attention immediately. The raw beauty and power of this vulnerable models was my starting point.

My Mission Statement;

‘’You think this will last forever.... your looks, the way people look at you, what is it all about when the flesh fades and the deeper self is brought to the surface? I am a cover, a fashion front of my true self...people see in my iconic status, power, a charging force of beauty inside there is a burning tension twisting and suffocating my mind making it harder and harder for me to breath. I fear my turmoil and vulnerability will come to the surface of my skin. I will fading, I will become transparent!

Examples of his work are posted on fernandovicente.blogspot.com, it's a real treat as it is home to other groups of his illustration which are equally inpressive. Just to give you an idea of his work, these are my favourite images and the ones I am basing my collection around...

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